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Helping You to Keep More Money in your Pocket

If you own a business, it is not simply about just filing your taxes at the end of your fiscal year.  It is essential to plan proactively for both corporate and personal income tax before filing them.  We take a holistic view of yours and your family’s situation when planning and filing your corporate and personal tax returns. Choosing between paying out in salary, bonus, or dividend which have different tax effects on both personal tax and corporate tax is a primary example.   

We are just a phone call away.  We take care of corporate tax filings efficiently and have timely communication with you. You do not need to setup an appointment for each question that you have and receive a billing in your mail/email box every single time.  I do not just do the minimum work to file your taxes.  Your questions throughout the year/before filing your taxes will be answered at any time. 




Contact Info


Call / text: 604.773.0545

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